There are a lot of dangers of driving in heavy rain or snow, but often we don’t consider how hot weather affects our driving. However, driving in hot weather conditions can present plenty of challenges and can create a risk to the health and safety. Here are a few safety tips for driving during the hot summer days to help you stay safe on the roads.

Keep the Car Cool

There are only a few things more uncomfortable than sitting in a baking hot car. That’s why one of our top tips for driving safely in the summer heat is to start your journey off in a cool car.

  • Whenever possible, try to park in the shade to stop the car from overheating
  • A few minutes before driving open all the windows to allow some fresh air into the vehicle
  • Run the air conditioning for a few minutes before getting into the car

Top Up the Fluids

It is not just the interior of the car that gets hot in unusually warm weather. Your engine is more likely to overheat in the summer as well, especially if you are stuck in heavy traffic. Always make sure your coolant is topped up and try to switch off the engine when sitting in traffic to help the engine stay cool.

You will also want to make sure the windshield washer fluid is adequately topped up. When the roads are dry, a lot of dust gets kicked up by tires, and the windshield can get particularly dirty. This not only obscures visibility but sometimes the dust marks may even amplify the glare of the sun. It is a great safety tip to keep your windshield washers topped up to help keep your view unobscured.

Not only does your vehicle need plenty of fluids in summer, it is also a good idea to keep cold water available in the car for you and your passengers, especially on long journeys.

Prepare for Sun Glare

One of the most significant hazards for drivers in the summer months is impaired vision caused by sun glare. This is probably one of the most common causes of accidents during hot weather. There are many things you can do to minimize sun glare.

  • Get a good pair of sunglasses for driving
  • Make use of the overhead sun visors to block out the sun
  • Keep the windshield clean as dust marks can amplify glare
  • Replace worn wipers to help with maintaining a clear windshield

 Keep Your Tires Properly Maintained

Another essential driving safety tip for summer is checking the condition of your tires. If you have even minor tire damage, then high temperatures can aggravate this and increase the likelihood of a blowout. Check your tire pressure regularly, looking for any wear or damage that may need attention.

Hopefully, these driving safety tips can help you to have a comfortable and safe driving experience while the weather is warm.